Friday, May 11, 2012

Why Do I Hunt?

I have been posed with this question at least a hundred times over the course of my life. For me, there isn't a single reason why I hunt. There are many reasons why non-hunters do not understand why I hunt, but for the sake of this argument, I will share the most important reasons for me. The number one reason why I started hunting was to be closer with my father after the death of my older brother. We have become really close, and I can truly say hunting has brought us together in the hardest moment of our lives. We haven't been able to hunt together as of late due to my service in the Air Force, but we plan on hunting in Maine and are planning a week long trip to Pennsylvania this coming fall.

Another important reason why I hunt is the distance I can put myself from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It's an amazing stress reliever for me. The challenge of bow hunting and perfecting my shot is another great reason why I hunt. To make a lethal shot with a bow at a deer is a test of patience, dedication, accuracy, and many more qualities an archer must possess. Any deer I shoot with my bow is a trophy in my eyes. Game management is another reason why hunting is important to me.  It serves as a great tool for conservation. Keeping the population in check helps to make sure various species stay balanced. The last reason I hunt is because the venison is absolutely delicious! If you have never tried venison, then you are truly missing out. If prepared correctly, it will match any cut of beef out there.

This isn't a post to convert non-hunters to hunters. I firmly believe hunting isn't for everybody. Trust me, I have seen people in the woods who do not belong there, but that is an argument for another day. My objective here is to educate non-hunters of the benefits the hunting community can offer. I hope this has helped.

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